Gerard Gannon Properties intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a
strategic housing development on lands at Kilnahue & Gorey Hill, Carnew Road (R725)
& Kilnahue Lane (L10112), Gorey, Co. Wexford.
The development will consist of the demolition of all existing, derelict structures on site and the construction of a mixed-use development comprising of 421 no. residential units (133 no. houses, 228 no. apartments, and 60 no. duplexes); with 1 no. childcare facility, 2 no. retail units and 2 no. community rooms, all of which will be provided as follows:
133 no. two-storey houses (a total of 115 no. 3 beds consisting of 106 no. 3-bed, terraced houses; 8 no. 3 bed, semi-detached houses; and 1 no. 3 bed, detached house; and a total of 18 no. 4 bed, terraced houses), all with associated car parking;
52 no. hybrid duplex units (26 no. 2 bed units and 26 no. 3 bed units) in 13 no. three storey buildings, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking, bike storage and bin stores;
Apartment Block A containing a total of 24 no. units comprising of 10 no. 1 bed units, 14 no. 2 bed units, in a building three storeys in height over lower-level access cores, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block B containing a total of 24 no. units comprising of 10 no. 1 bed units, 14 no. 2 bed units, in a building three storeys in height over lower-level access cores, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block C containing a total of 24 no. units comprising of 10 no. 1 bed units, 14 no. 2 bed units, in a building three storeys in height over lower-level access cores, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block D containing a total of 24 no. units comprising of 10 no. 1 bed units, 14 no. 2 bed units, in a building three storeys in height over lower-level access cores, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking spaces and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block E containing a total of 28 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units, 19 no. 2 bed units, and 1 no. 3 bed unit, in a building four storeys in height over undercroft parking, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block F containing a total of 28 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units, 19 no. 2 bed units, and 1 no. 3 bed unit, in a building four storeys in height over undercroft parking, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block G containing a total of 28 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units, 19 no. 2 bed units, and 1 no. 3 bed unit, in a building four storeys in height over undercroft parking, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Apartment Block H containing a total of 28 no. units comprising of 8 no. 1 bed units, 19 no. 2 bed units, and 1 no. 3 bed unit, in a building four storeys in height over undercroft parking, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking spaces and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Duplex Block J containing a total of 8 no. units comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units and 4 no. 3 bed units, in a building three storeys in height, and all units provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Block EAB containing a total of 10 no. apartments comprising of 7 no. 2 bed units and 3 no. 3 bed units, in a building three storeys in height, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores;
Block XAB is a mixed-use block containing a total of 10 no. apartments comprising of 4 no. 1 bed units, and 6 no. 2 bed units, and all apartments provided with private balconies/terraces; with 2 no. community rooms and 2 no. small retail units at ground floor level, all in a building three storeys in height, with car parking and bicycle spaces, and bin stores; and,
1 no. childcare facility in a two-storey split level building with associated outdoor play areas; car parking and set down area; bicycle spaces; pram/buggy storage; and bin stores.
The development provides for a total of 759 no. car parking spaces and 480 no. bicycle spaces. The development also provides for two vehicular accesses and one pedestrian/cyclist crossing and associated road upgrade works, all on Kilnahue Lane (L10112); one vehicular access on Carnew Road (R725) and associated road upgrade works; proposed upgrades to public realm including footpaths and cycle lanes, with proposed upgrade of the Carnew Road/Kilnahue Lane junction to a signalised junction; landscaping including a neighbourhood park, a playground and MUGA with associated neighbourhood parking; pocket parks; boundary treatments; public lighting; and all associated engineering and site works necessary to facilitate the development including proposed new sewer and associated upgrade works to existing engineering infrastructure on Carnew Road, Kilnahue Lane, Main Street and Esmonde Street.
The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Wexford County Development Plan 2013-2019 and Gorey Town and Environs Local Area Plan 2017-2023.
The application contains a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.